Fanwood Chemical, Inc.United States United States


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Established in 1971, Fanwood Chemical, Inc. provides an unusual combination of technical marketing, direct sales, manufacturing and regulatory services. It is completely dedicated to serving the diversified needs of the chemical industry.

Fanwood provides its clients personalized, confidential services for a per-diem fee or sales-related commission. It functions on an exclusive basis against preset objectives over agreed upon time. They like to characterize it as “the Business Itch”. The "itch" is characterized by the gnawing suspicion that an asset is underutilized, a problem is brewing, or an opportunity remains unidentified. Downsized, you may be without sufficient staff to "scratch" yourself. Using the skills of its talented associates, there is an excellent chance that Fanwood Chemical can provide prompt, effective, and economical relief for your particular "itch".


