Qualygran CycloarBrazil Brazil

Category:ServicesMachines / Equipments

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QUALYGRAN - Agroindustrial Technology presents to Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina the intensified exhaust / aeration system of the upper layer of the grain mass, CYCLOAR. Useful in bulk storage units, such as vertical silos and horizontal warehouses, it provides excellent results for producers, cereals, industry, among others, who save grain by storing them with quality. Condensation problems inside the storage environment, which contributes to the proliferation of insects and fungi, are eliminated, providing a naturally ventilated environment, favoring the lowering of the temperature of the grain mass.
Economies in the aeration costs are immediately perceived, being possible a more precise handling in the cooling of the grains, obtaining results more efficient with less hours with ventilators fired.
CYCLOAR, together with forced aeration and thermometry, forms the storage management tripod. It has a highly qualified sales, installation and post-sales team in the post-harvest area, offering the customer not only efficient equipment, which consumes clean energy, as well as a possibility of differentiated storage management, beyond 10 years of Warranty.




# Business Magazine #

2023 Latin America Focus

2023 Latin America Focus


Language: English

Publication Date:Aug. 31, 2023