Profertil S.A.Argentina Argentina

Category:Crop NutritionFertilizer

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Profertil produces and markets fertilizers. Its plant manufactures 1,320,000 tons of Granular Urea and 790,000 tons of ammonia per year. It also sells other fertilizers and prepare special blends to nourish the soil and optimize crop yields in a sustainable way.
Profertil offers its products along with advice on how to apply them. This is why Profertil trains growers to optimize fertilizer use, to sustainably care for the soil resources and the production systems at large.

  • Address:Av. Alicia Moreau de Justo 740 3er piso, of 306 (C1107AAP) Capital Federal, Argentina


# Business Magazine #

2023 Latin America Focus

2023 Latin America Focus


Language: English

Publication Date:Aug. 31, 2023