Bio-Ag Consultants & Distributors Inc.Canada Canada


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Bio-Ag is an agricultural consulting, manufacturing and distributing company. It develops and distributes agricultural methods and products that work in co-operation with nature's biological systems. The company enables farmers to increase their profits and to produce quality food by strengthening the biological systems on their farms. It supplies farmers with well-researched information and products that improve and maintain the health of their soil, crops, and livestock.

All Bio-Ag products are selected for distribution on the basis of their efficiency, ecological soundness, and economic value. To that end, the company uses no GMO products (genetically modified organisms) and no drugs in its livestock products. Bio-Ag has thoroughly analyzed the nutritional needs of farm animals. It has discovered the immune systems of young, stressed, or sick animals can be bolstered by supplementing their feeds with nutrients lacking in their diet. The health of young animals is directly related to nutrition received in the prenatal period. A proactive approach goes a long way to ensure your livestock get a solid beginning. Sound nutrition through the entire life of the animal ensures optimum growth and production. Its firm carries nutritional supplements and products formulated to keep each animal in optimal health.

Bio-Ag specializes in solving agricultural problems. It encourages farmers to create environments that promote quality crops and healthy livestock. Conditions differ from one farm to another. Bio-Ag customizes its treatments, taking into account the entire ecosystem in which a crop or animal exists. It uses time tested methods of treating animal sickness. Bio-Ag consultants strive to address the source of each problem rather than merely treat the symptoms an animal or crop displays. All Bio-Ag representatives and distributors are concerned with meeting your needs.

  • Address:1400 Greenwood Hill Rd. P.O. Box 189, Wellesley, Ont. Canada N0B 2T0
