Evologic Technologies

Biologicals have shown immense potenttal to revoluttonize food productton by offering environmentally friendly soluttons that enhance soil health, boost crop resilience, and reduce dependence on chemical inputs.
In the race for integrattng value added biologicals into your product porttolio multtple risks need to be considered: i) compattbility of the sensittve biologicals with industrial practtces, ii) quality control as well as iii) reliable product supply.
At Evologic, we recognize the inherent challenge of integrating biologicals into intensive agriculture. For our customers we transform concepts for biological products into compatible product formulations for the Agri Industry, making a difference for end-users.
Using novel manufacturing technologies, we create formulations that are compatible with your application process and that meet your quality speciffcattons. Thereby we enable (traceable) superior product quality along the value chain.
+43 6609302903