Category:Crop ProtectionCrop NutritionBiopesticide

Finished Inquiry

Novagro-AG was launched in Peru in 2007 as a response to the growing needs of the export agribusiness. Faced with almost zero supply of bio inputs for exportable crop protection and a very demanding European market in the elimination of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables, Novagro-AG developed with its customers, biological and environmentally-friendly solutions which were highly efficient for pest and disease control in agri export crops such as asparagus, blueberry, avocado, banana, mangoes, tangerines, among others.

Novagro-AG has positioned itself as the most recognized company in Peru offering organic and environmentally-friendly solutions, which allow for the production of safe fruits and vegetables that meet the high-quality standards of the international market. Their products are present in every Peruvian fruit and vegetable which is produced and exported. Although Peruvian agri-export products, and in general Latin American, meet the highest standards of safety and are mostly free of pesticide residues, the same is not true for fruits and vegetables produced for domestic consumption, in which the constant, is the presence of pesticide residues.

Therefore, Novagro-AG is committed to sustainable agriculture, helping farmers in the transition process towards agriculture in harmony with the environment and consumers health, to ensure that fruits and vegetables which are consumed by Latin Americans, meet the same standards of safety and quality that are exported to other destinations such as Europe, North America and Asia.

The company’s broad portfolio of organically certified and biological products are formulated based on plant extracts, bacteria, fungi and derivatives, aimed at organic agriculture and also traditional agriculture. Novagro-AG also offers crop nutrition products such as bio-fertilizers, bio-stimulants based on seaweed, micro-organism, amino acids, vitamins, humic acids and fulvic acids that complement crop nutrition, offering a comprehensive service for producers, with personalized advice through their highly trained technical advisors. Novagro-AG currently has an active presence in Peru, Colombia and with solid introductory projects in Bolivia.



# Business Magazine #

2024 Latin America Focus

2024 Latin America Focus


Language: English

Publication Date:Aug. 31, 2024