6th GrainBrazil Brazil

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At 6th Grain, we believe that the direct application of digital technology and science is key to establishing profitable and productive agriculture and food systems. We are a digital agriculture technology company which focuses on transforming farmer-provided data into information that can be used to increase success and uptake in crop protection services, credit provision, and high yielding seeds.
Machine learning, modeling, and sophisticated, composite data are at the heart of our technology platform and sets 6th Grain apart from the competition. We merge information on field management with satellite observations of weather, crop extent, and crop health, resulting in the development of timely, comprehensive and accurate information. This will improve decision making to reduce costs, increase productivity and enhance customer engagement.
By providing services both to the small farmer and large agribusiness, 6th Grain’s digital agriculture solutions delivers high quality, remote sensing and weather-based information to millions of farmers across the world.



# Business Magazine #

2023 Latin America Focus

2023 Latin America Focus


Language: English

Publication Date:Aug. 31, 2023