For free! Special for India! Do you want to share your opinion in AgroPages magazine article?

In the last 2 years, India pesticide industry saw some big changes which may bring long term effects to the industry.

What do you think about the changes? Is you company involved?

AgroPages is preparing its upcoming business magazine "2018 Annual Review" for CAC Shanghai 2018, in which issue, we would like to invite you to talk about some topics on India industry.

The bonus:

We will select some influential and representative views from the answers, to be included in our magazine article along with the participant’s photo and his company name. 

Don't miss the free display opportunity and begin the survey now!!! 
  1. 1. Which do you think is the most significant change affecting India agrochemical industry?
    • Implementation of GST
    • CIBRC 9(4) registration change
    • China's environment policy influence
    • Monsoon climate
    • Commodity prices
    • Make in India initiative
    • Other (Please specify)

  2. 2. Pick out 1~3 changes in Question 1, share your comments on it/them.
  3. 3. What strategic initiatives have been/will be taken by your company under these changes?
    • Adjust product price
    • Optimize supply channels
    • Focus more on oversea markets
    • Expand TC capacity
    • Other (Please specify)

  4. 4. what do you think is the main hurdle for India agrochemical industry?
  5. 5. What’s your vision for India agrochemical industry growth in the next 3 financial years?
    • Grow at a CAGR over 15%
    • Grow at a CAGR 10-15%
    • Grow at a CAGR under 10%
    • Flat
    • Negative growth
    • Other (Please specify)

  6. 6. Pls leave your contact information to further communicate with us
    Your Name: