Birds LD50for mallard ducks 2000 mg/kg. Dietary LC50(8 d) for mallard ducks and bobwhite quail >5000 ppm.Fish LC50(96 h) for rainbow trout 0.55, bluegill sunfish 0.1 ppm.Daphnia LC50(48 h) 0.77 mg/l.Other aquatic spp. LC50(96 h) for shrimps 0.012, oyster 0.029 ppm. Bees LD50(contact) >100 g/bee.
Environmental fate:
Animals:In mammals, the major routes of elimination are as unchanged material in the faeces or as metabolites in the urine. In rats, sheep and monkeys, the principal metabolite is pentachloroaniline (formed by reduction of the nitro group). Other metabolites inclSoil:Persists in soil, with a half-life of c. 4-10 months. Part is lost from the soil by volatilisation. Biodegradation occurs, mainly to pentachloroaniline and also methylthiopentachlorobenzene. For details of effects on soil organisms, see E. R. IngPlant:In plants, quintozene undergoes conversion to pentachloroaniline, methylthiopentachlorobenzene and a variety of chlorophenyl methyl sulfoxides and sulfones.