Vines |
250 g ai/hl |
Vegetables |
150-250 g ai/ha |
Potatoes |
250 g ai/ha |
Cucurbits |
150-200 g ai/hl |
Rainbow trout [96 h]:LC50 = 2.0 mg/L;Bluegill sunfish [96 h]:LC50 >2.9 mg/L;Fathead minnow [96 h]:LC50 >4.6 mg/L;Daphnia [48 h]:EC50 = 0.33 mg/L;Algae [120 h]:EC50 >3.6 mg/L;Honeybee:LD50 >100 μg/bee;Earthworm:LD50 >1,000 ppm;Bobwhite quail:LD50 >5,000 mg/kg;
Environmental fate:
In soil: LGC 30437 has a soil half-life of 9 days.
In aquatic systems: LGC 30437 is decomposed in water by hydrolysis and photolysis. In aqueous hydrolysis, the half-life is dependent on pH and varies from 89 days at pH 4 to 46 days at pH 9. Under photolysis, the half-life is 16 days.
US approved Valent’s Elumin™ Fungicide for Downy Mildew in Cucurbits
Canada approves Valent’s fungicide ethaboxam