Low Input Sustainable Agriculture Consortium (LISA)Malaysia Malaysia

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“Low Input Sustainable Agriculture (LISA) has been practiced for crop production since the late 1980s. I am sure that many farmers and agriculturist have heard about precision framing; however, the word of “sustainability” is not been widely acknowledged. In many aspect food productions has changed from just being a self-sufficient up to an organised economic focused of making profits. In the process, environmental issues such and as greenhouse gaseous of methane, leachate of nitrate into stream and rivers are some examples in the degradation of agricultural lands. In additions, excessive use of pesticides has elevated the destruction of agriculture products making the produces no longer safe to be consumed.
Since conservation of environment has been one of the major concerns especially in soil fertility, the use of excessive fertiliser must be stopped. The use of a friendlier approach like the highly efficient slow release fertiliser is a must to preserve the soil without jeopardising further on the environment. Researchers and farmers nowadays are looking for a more environmentally friendly approach and the key word of sustainability is becoming popular. In LISA, the principle approach is to have a minimum usage of inputs such as pesticides and fertilisers for an optimum output.



Ng Chang Chai

Ng Chang Chai

Mobile: 15667020132


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