Seminis is the world’s largest developer, grower and marketer of vegetable seeds. Using traditional plant breeding techniques and modern science, Seminis develops innovative types of vegetables and fruits that offer greater nutrition, convenience and have better flavor. And when you’re in the vegetable seed business, this is extremely important. Seminis is the brand for open-field and unheated-protected products, which means products that are grown outdoors, in a hothouse, under plastic or netted structures, or other types of unheated greenhouse environments. Seminis is focused on giving open-field and unheated protected seed growers the freedom to focus on their goals and real passions — the freedom to grow the very best crops, the freedom to grow their business and the freedom to build their futures. Seminis offers crop seed in broccoli, cabbage, carrot, leek, cauliflower, fennel, cucumber, eggplant, lettuce, sweet corn, tomato, pepper, onion and more.