CibusUnited States United States

Category:Agriculture technology / ResearchSeedsSeed companies (breeders/producers)

Finished Inquiry

Founded in 2001, Cibus has developed plant and microbial platforms enabling it to become a world leader in advanced breeding technologies, generally, and advanced non-transgenic breeding, specifically. The Rapid Trait Development System (RTDS™), its proprietary technology for non-transgenic breeding, enables site-specific edits of native genes with no introduction of foreign DNA. The precise and predictable outcomes can replicate products developed using traditional mutagenesis and are identical to those that could occur in nature, given enough time. Consequently, these plants are not considered transgenic, the key attributes of GMO crops. Cibus has launched its first commercial crop, SU Canola™, a non-transgenic canola tolerant to sulfonylurea herbicides in the United States, and has received regulatory approval in Canada, putting the trait on track to launch there after 2016. Over the next 10 years Cibus expects to develop new, non-transgenic traits for most major crops. The Cibus family includes the team of founding scientists and executives, and has grown to more than 100 employees with extensive backgrounds across a number of disciplines. Cibus is located in three major centers in the U.S. and Europe.

  • Address:Cibus, 6455 Nancy Ridge Drive, San Diego, CA 92121, United States
  • Website:


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# Business Magazine #

2024 Seed Treatment Special

2024 Seed Treatment Special


Language: English

Publication Date:Jun. 30, 2024

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