Council of Producers & Distributors of Agrotechnology (CPDA)United States United States


Finished Inquiry

The Council of Producers & Distributors of Agrotechnology is the premier advocate for agricultural adjuvant and inert ingredient suppliers.  CPDA also provides legislative and regulatory support to formulators, distributors and manufacturers of post patent pesticide products and biorationals.  CPDA members produce and sell tank-mix adjuvants, inert ingredients, pesticides and other agrotechnology products across the United States and range in size from small businesses to large, publicly traded companies.  Approximately 80% of the inert ingredients used in agricultural production products throughout the U.S. are provided by CPDA members.  Chartered in 1987, CPDA’s priorities and activities continue to be member-driven and focused on the issues that impact their operations.  Through representation on CPDA’s Board of Directors, large and small companies share an equal voice in the development of positions, strategies and priorities adopted by the Council.  CPDA provides comprehensive legislative and regulatory advocacy for the agrotechnology industry by leading efforts to inform and influence legislation and regulations that impact members.  Members provide input on advocacy direction via Board and committee participation, and receive timely information via CPDA communications.



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# Business Magazine #

2024 Formulation & Adjuvant Technology

2024 Formulation & Adjuvant Technology


Language: English

Publication Date:May. 31, 2024

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