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The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) has received a licence application (DIR 173) from Monsanto Australia Pty Ltd (Monsanto) for commercial cultiv...
Monsanto proposes to conduct a field trial of one canola line genetically modified for tolerance to dicamba herbicide, and dual herbicide tolerant GM canola pro...
More than 1,000 growers planted 452,000 ha of cotton across Australia’s cotton growing regions this season. With more than 95% of the crop planted to Monsanto...
South Australian grower Thang Hoang Le has dubbed Monsanto’s capsicum hybrid SVH5581PH a smart fruit after successful trials on his property.
The Australian Office of the Gene Technology Regulator(OGTR) has approved an application from Monsanto Australia to trial, under limited and controlled conditio...
Monsanto Australia has invested in a new app that puts the latest grain pricing information at the fingertips of farmers, empowering them to source the most com...
More than 95 per cent of this season’s Australian cotton crop will contain the new GM cotton technology, Bollgard III.
The Australian Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) is currently assessing licence application DIR 145 from Monsanto Australia Ltd for a commercial re...
Monsanto Australia has filed an application to the Australian Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) to conduct field trials of its genetically modified...
Plantings of genetically modified (GM) canola in Australia have made a modest 2.5 per cent year on year rise according to Monsanto, the company that owns the Ro...
The company has appointed Tony May as Managing Director of its operations in Australia and New Zealand. Tony takes over the role from Daniel Kruithoff who has h...
The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority(APVMA) has approved Monsanto's genetically modified insect-resistant BollgardIII cotton.
The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) proposed to approve Monsanto’s GM cotton product Bollgard III. The proposed use is to prot...
Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) proposed to approve the insect-protected soybean line MON87751 from Monsanto.
Monsanto Australia increased its shareholding in InterGrain on June 28th to 26% from its current 19.9%. The opportunity for Monsanto Australia to increase its s...
InterGrain Pty Ltd and Monsanto Company announced a technology collaboration agreement that is expected to lead to significant new advances in wheat technology ...