EAG LaboratoriesUnited States United States


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Evans Analytical Group (EAG) has delivered innovative analytical services in materials characterization (MC) and surface analysis for over 30 years. In the last several years, EAG has expanded into the electronic testing area, via our Microelectronics Test and Engineering (MTE) division, and into agrochemical, environmental and ecotoxicology analyses, via our EFCE (Environmental Fate, Chemistry & Ecotoxicology) division. In 2011, EAG also acquired Chemir Analytical Services allowing the company to grow its investigational, litigation support and product development capabilities.  More recently, EAG has acquired SEAL Labs, a leading metallurgical analysis laboratory and Wildlife International, a leading ecotoxicology, environmental fate and chemistry laboratory.  Since our inception in 1978 as Charles Evans & Associates, our guiding principal has been innovative problem solving, underscored by a commitment to excellence.

As our clients push the boundaries in their quest to develop better products, EAG is with them at every step of the way. We aim to provide the best possible value by having the best capabilities, the best test protocols, the best staff and the best instrumentation available. For these reasons, EAG has become the analytical provider of choice for scientifically demanding industries such as semiconductors, electronics, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, fine chemicals, consumer products, communications, photonics, data storage, automotive, defense and aerospace.



# Business Magazine #

2024 CROs & CRAOs Manual

2024 CROs & CRAOs Manual


Language: English

Publication Date:May. 24, 2024