Aqua-YieldUnited States United States

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Aqua-Yield™ is a technology company that Aquamizes™ fertilizer and crop nutriton specifically suited for the agriculture industry.  Aqua-Yield™ is making more than an initial splash in the US agricultural industry. The company literally invented a process using the “smallest innovation” in the agriculture industry, with its patented Aqua-Yield™ Process and Nano-Shield technology.  Aqua-Yield™ was founded and funded by farmers for farmers. Aqua-Yield™ has a deep commitment to the grower and to the crops that we serve. In addition to the crops and growers that we serve, all of us at Aqua-Yield™ are stewards to the environment and know that the Aqua-Yield™ technology will aid in the worldwide pressures we face.

