VectorcontrolBrazil Brazil

Category:Crop ProtectionCrop NutritionBiopesticidesSoil amendmentsFertilizer

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Vectorcontrol is a company with tradition in the domestic market. Since 1984 it has been highlighting the quality of its products and the support it offers to technicians and farmers. 
The company was founded by Dr. Pedro Antonio Perricelli, initially called Agricontrol and located in the city of Campinas, SP. 
Agricontrol was the first Brazilian company to register a biological product for use in agriculture, the "Biocontrol PM" product based on Metarhizium anisopliae. It was also the first to produce Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki, and register a product (Bac-control) for control of caterpillars in agriculture.
In 1993, Agricontrol was renamed into Vectorcontrol and its headquarter was transferred to the city of Valinhos - SP. 
Vectorcontrol is currently located in the city of Vinhedo - SP. In its new headquarter, it has been investing in better technologies and new line of products including Bioremediators, Soil Conditioners and Enzymes. In addition to the line already available on the market, for control of caterpillars, with products based on Bacillus thuringiensis(AUMAX, AUMAX PLUS AND AUMAX SPECIAL), Fertilizers (GALLEON, ENERGIMAX START, ENERGIMAX FORT) and household cleaning products (THEBAS AND THURIMAX).



# Business Magazine #

2023 Biologicals Special

2023 Biologicals Special


Language: English

Publication Date:Jul. 31, 2023