Nico Orgo ManuresIndia India

Category:Crop ProtectionCrop NutritionBiopesticideInsecticides

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Nico Orgo commenced operations in 1992, and immediately began pioneering organic solutions. Started with just one product, 'Orgo', we soon joined hands with the late Dr. M.K. Chakravarthy who quickly led us to several innovative new products. Mentor and father figure, Dr. Chakravarthy laid the foundations for an R&D oriented company, and we have not wavered from the path.We have continued to add products to our portfolio every few years, but nothing makes the cut that is not extensively tested in our laboratories and in our fields.Our biological division was started in 2006 and has continued to grow. We have recently invested in a large laboratory dedicated to biological R&D and production.We are present now in several countries around the world, and in several parts of India as well.Our Products Botanical Pesticides Neem Based Botanical Pesticide Nico Neem Certified Organic by ECOCERT Nitrification Inhibitor N-Guard (Certified Organic by ECOCERT Neem Based Fungicide Neem – F Neem Based Nematicide Neemate 10G Soil Fertility & Conditioning Organic Fertiliser and Soil Conditioners for Farms & Gardens Orgo (Blended Organic Fertiliser) Orgo (NPK 3:3:2) Certified Neem Based Organic Fertiliser Orgo Neem Certified Organic by Organic Farmers & Growers, OMRI, and ECOCERT Certified Organic Fertilizer fortified with Beneficial Micro-organisms Jaivik Certified Organic by ECOCERT Samrat Certified Organic by ECOCERT Plant Bio Stimulant Bio Orgo Certified Organic by ECOCERT Bio Sea Seaweed Extract Plant Growth Promoters & Bio Stimulants Plant Growth Promoter Nico Plus Granulated Bio Stimulant Orgozyme Certified Organic by ECOCERT Bio Control Agents Bio Fungicide Nicoderma – Trichoderma viride 1% W.P. Certified Organic by ECOCERT Trichoderma Harzanium Bio Nematicide Bioniconema – Paecilomyces lilacinus 1% W.P. Certified Organic by ECOCERT Pseudomonas Fluorescen Bio Fertilisers N Fix (Azotobacter chroococcum/ Azospirillum lipoferum) Nitrogen Fixing Certified Organic by ECOCERT P Sol (Bacillus megaterium/ Bacillus coagulans) Phosphate Solubilizing Certified Organic by ECOCERT Bio All – Nutrient mobilizing liquid biofertilizer Bio Micro – Micronutrient mobilizing liquid biofertilizer K-Sol – Potash mobilizing liquid biofertilizer Bio Zn – Zinc mobilizing Biofertilizer Bio S – Sulphur mobilizing biofertilizer Nicotine Based Botanical Pesticides Nicotine Sulphate 40% Nicotine Fumigator Nico Dust

  • Address:Opp. Railway Station Dakor - 388225. Gujarat, INDIA


# Business Magazine #

2024 India Focus

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2024 India Focus


Language: English

Publication Date:Sep. 30, 2024