Bayer CropScience U.S.United States United States

Category:Crop ProtectionFungicidesHerbicidesInsecticidesPlant growth regulatorsSeed TreatmentsSeeds

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Bayer CropScience is one of the world’s leading innovative crop science companies in the areas of crop protection, non-agricultural pest control, seeds and plant biotechnology.   To help farmers control existing crop threats and get ahead of emerging ones, Bayer CropScience U.S. is constantly updating their diverse product portfolio of seeds, seed treatments, traits, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and harvest aids/PGRs. Their products offer proven broad-spectrum disease, pest and weed control, easier crop management and the timesaving technologies for maximizing crop production and enhancing profitability.



# Business Magazine #

2024 Seed Treatment Special

2024 Seed Treatment Special


Language: English

Publication Date:Jun. 30, 2024