Chinese issue of Annual Review 2020

Chinese issue of Annual Review 2020


Language: Chinese

Publication Date:Feb. 28, 2021

Articles Index

What Did We Learn from the M&As of Agri-Inputs Industry in 2020?

2020 Overview of Global GMO Development

2020 Overview of Globally Registered, Launched Pesticides and Analysis of Key Varieties

"$500 Million Club" -- Latest Products Inventory

Contributing author:

Christina XieYating JiangErwin Xue

Articles Index

What Did We Learn from the M&As of Agri-Inputs Industry in 2020?

2020 Overview of Global GMO Development

2020 Overview of Globally Registered, Launched Pesticides and Analysis of Key Varieties

"$500 Million Club" -- Latest Products Inventory

Contributing author:

Christina XieYating JiangErwin Xue

Chinese issue of 2020 Market Insight

Chinese issue of 2020 Market Insight


Language: Chinese

Publication Date:Oct. 10, 2020

Articles Index

USA: Market Channel Facing Pressure of Profitability and Consolidation

Insights into China’s Pesticide Industry

Mexico: Opportunities and Challenges in Organic Agri-Input Market

Bioinsecticide Market Growth with New Techs and Business Alliances

Contributing author:

Drake LiuCharfeddine RegaiPeter Riziki

Articles Index

USA: Market Channel Facing Pressure of Profitability and Consolidation

Insights into China’s Pesticide Industry

Mexico: Opportunities and Challenges in Organic Agri-Input Market

Bioinsecticide Market Growth with New Techs and Business Alliances

Contributing author:

Drake LiuCharfeddine RegaiPeter Riziki

Chinese issue of 2020 Biologicals Special

Chinese issue of 2020 Biologicals Special


Language: Chinese

Publication Date:Sep. 17, 2020

Articles Index

Perspectives on the Food System and Organic Agri-inputs

Growth Story of INTERMAG”s TYTANIT® Biostimulant with Unique, Innovative and Patented Titanium Technology in China

Challenges, Opportunities and New Achievements in Microbial Pesticide Development
四两拨千斤 - 微生物农药助剂的挑战、机遇和最新成果

How to Achieve Constant Quality in Horticulture

Articles Index

Perspectives on the Food System and Organic Agri-inputs

Growth Story of INTERMAG”s TYTANIT® Biostimulant with Unique, Innovative and Patented Titanium Technology in China

Challenges, Opportunities and New Achievements in Microbial Pesticide Development
四两拨千斤 - 微生物农药助剂的挑战、机遇和最新成果

How to Achieve Constant Quality in Horticulture

Chinese issue of Annual Review 2019

Chinese issue of Annual Review 2019


Language: Chinese

Publication Date:Feb. 20, 2020

Articles Index

2019 Overview of Global Registered or Launched Pesticides and Analysis of Key Varieties

Biopesticides: Industry Merging with Opportunities, Market Growing through Challenges

Bio-herbicides: Global Development Status and Product Inventory

Overview of Global SNF Development, Mainstream Products

Contributing author:

Dr. Markus SchmidVeranika BursevichPam Marrone

Articles Index

2019 Overview of Global Registered or Launched Pesticides and Analysis of Key Varieties

Biopesticides: Industry Merging with Opportunities, Market Growing through Challenges

Bio-herbicides: Global Development Status and Product Inventory

Overview of Global SNF Development, Mainstream Products

Contributing author:

Dr. Markus SchmidVeranika BursevichPam Marrone

Chinese issue of 2019 Market Insight

Chinese issue of 2019 Market Insight

Language: Chinese

Publication Date:Oct. 10, 2019

Articles Index

Latin American Agrochemical Market from Perspectives of Local Companies, International Companies, Chinese Companies

New Patterns of Global Agrochemical Supply: A Study of the Agrochemical Industry Cooperation between China and India
携手缔造全球农化供应新格局? - 中印协作之探讨

Global Top 20 Agrochemical Companies in 2018
2018 全球农化企业TOP20 强全线增长 中国公司强势入围10 席

Top 20 Global Seed Companies in 2018
2018 年全球种业 Top 20 排行榜

Articles Index

Latin American Agrochemical Market from Perspectives of Local Companies, International Companies, Chinese Companies

New Patterns of Global Agrochemical Supply: A Study of the Agrochemical Industry Cooperation between China and India
携手缔造全球农化供应新格局? - 中印协作之探讨

Global Top 20 Agrochemical Companies in 2018
2018 全球农化企业TOP20 强全线增长 中国公司强势入围10 席

Top 20 Global Seed Companies in 2018
2018 年全球种业 Top 20 排行榜

2019 CRO & CRAO Manual

2019 CRO & CRAO Manual


Language: Chinese,English

Publication Date:Oct. 10, 2019

Articles Index

Brexit and the Plant Protection Products Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009, and the Maximum Residue LevelsRegulation (EC) No 396/2005

Interpretation of the Latest Policy of Biopesticides in China

Effect modelling and statistics at RIFCON GmbH: complex questions call for innovative solutions

Brazil agricultural production and regulatory requirements: Why updates are so important?

Articles Index

Brexit and the Plant Protection Products Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009, and the Maximum Residue LevelsRegulation (EC) No 396/2005

Interpretation of the Latest Policy of Biopesticides in China

Effect modelling and statistics at RIFCON GmbH: complex questions call for innovative solutions

Brazil agricultural production and regulatory requirements: Why updates are so important?

Chinese issue of Annual Review 2018

Chinese issue of Annual Review 2018


Language: Chinese

Publication Date:Feb. 28, 2019

Articles Index

Annual Review and Analysis of Global Pesticides Hot Events in 2018

初创公司引领未来农业的创新发展 - 备受资本青睐的农业技术行业初显规模化
Startups Lead the Innovations in Agriculture - The Capital-favored Agtech Sector is Scaling Up

2018 Overview of Global GMO Development

全球农药供求新生态 - 对话中印生产企业和全球采购商
New Ecology of Global Pesticide Supply & Demand Market - Dialogue with Chinese / Indian Suppliers and Global Buyers

Articles Index

Annual Review and Analysis of Global Pesticides Hot Events in 2018

初创公司引领未来农业的创新发展 - 备受资本青睐的农业技术行业初显规模化
Startups Lead the Innovations in Agriculture - The Capital-favored Agtech Sector is Scaling Up

2018 Overview of Global GMO Development

全球农药供求新生态 - 对话中印生产企业和全球采购商
New Ecology of Global Pesticide Supply & Demand Market - Dialogue with Chinese / Indian Suppliers and Global Buyers

Chinese issue of 2018 Market Insight

Chinese issue of 2018 Market Insight

Language: Chinese

Publication Date:Oct. 11, 2018

Articles Index

Biopesticides and Biostimulants in Europe: What Should We Do?
欧洲生物农药和生物刺激素市场:市场需求增势稳定 登记监管仍是主障碍

Seed Industry in Europe: Dialogue with Syngenta, KWS and ESA

Copper-based Fungicides: Insight into the Present Scenario and Future Trend

Biological Seed Treatment: Innovation Boosts Billions of Business

Articles Index

Biopesticides and Biostimulants in Europe: What Should We Do?
欧洲生物农药和生物刺激素市场:市场需求增势稳定 登记监管仍是主障碍

Seed Industry in Europe: Dialogue with Syngenta, KWS and ESA

Copper-based Fungicides: Insight into the Present Scenario and Future Trend

Biological Seed Treatment: Innovation Boosts Billions of Business

Chinese issue of 2018 CRO & CRAO Manual

Chinese issue of 2018 CRO & CRAO Manual


Language: Chinese

Publication Date:Oct. 2, 2018

Articles Index

Agrochemical R&D Trends and JRF vision for future
农化行业研发趋势和 JRF Global 的未来愿景

Bioneeds – your Preferred Destination for all GLP Services
Bioneeds- 作为 GLP 服务的优选合作伙伴

Articles Index

Agrochemical R&D Trends and JRF vision for future
农化行业研发趋势和 JRF Global 的未来愿景

Bioneeds – your Preferred Destination for all GLP Services
Bioneeds- 作为 GLP 服务的优选合作伙伴

2018 CRO & CRAO Manual

2018 CRO & CRAO Manual


Language: Chinese,English

Publication Date:Sep. 30, 2018

Articles Index

Agrochemical R&D Trends and JRF vision for future

Bioneeds – your Preferred Destination for all GLP Services

Articles Index

Agrochemical R&D Trends and JRF vision for future

Bioneeds – your Preferred Destination for all GLP Services

Popular Author

Mr. R. K. Shetty

Executive Director

Heranba Industries Ltd.


Dalia Gonciauskaite

General Manager



Tom Tregunno

Global Market Manager

Azotic Technologies Ltd


Renee K. Edlund

Senior Scientist, AgroChemicals

Huntsman Corporation

Senior Scientist, AgroChemicals at Huntsman Performance Products


Vinícius de Castro Celestrin

Field Marketing for Crop Solutions

Indorama Ventures(Former OXITENO)


Gustavo Palerosi Carneiro

Vice-President, BASF Agricultural Solutions EMEA & CIS

BASF Agricultural Solutions
